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Old Brahmaputra River

Old Brahmaputra River:

In the Tibet region of Manas Sarovar, the Shanpo River fell into the Himalayas, in the Brahmakunda or Lohaita lake in the mountains of Assam, the name of the Brahmaputra with the formation of Brahmaputra, entered Bangladesh and Mymensingh and it flows east of Gafargaon.First of all, the Gafargaon police station has reached the top.The first Kamariar Char and the entire Charagalag union is located in the Brahmaputra river and Gafargaon separated the boundary of Nandail thana on the east and flowed from the border of Husainpur and Pakundia upazilas in Gafargaon and flown east from the border of Tangb union and joined Meghna near Bhairab.The Brahmaputra was about 15 kilometers wide in the Mughal period.In 1815, when the shelf near Daqubar was east of Bahadurabad, its mouth closed and the river started flowing through the canal of Janai. Later, the janira canal became the river of jamuna.
In the Tibet region of Manas Sarovar, the Shanpo River fell into the Himalayas, in the Brahmakunda or Lohaita lake in the mountains of Assam, the name of the Brahmaputra with the formation of Brahmaputra, entered Bangladesh and Mymensingh and it flows east of Gafargaon.First of all, the Gafargaon police station has reached the top.The first Kamariar Char and the entire Charagalag union is located in the Brahmaputra river and Gafargaon separated the boundary of Nandail thana on the east and flowed from the border of Husainpur and Pakundia upazilas in Gafargaon and flown east from the border of Tangb union and joined Meghna near Bhairab.The Brahmaputra was about 15 kilometers wide in the Mughal period.In 1815, when the shelf near Daqubar was east of Bahadurabad, its mouth closed and the river started flowing through the canal of Janai. Later, the janira canal became the river of jamuna.
In the Tibet region of Manas Sarovar, the Shanpo River fell into the Himalayas, in the Brahmakunda or Lohaita lake in the mountains of Assam, the name of the Brahmaputra with the formation of Brahmaputra, entered Bangladesh and Mymensingh and it flows east of Gafargaon.First of all, the Gafargaon police station has reached the top.The first Kamariar Char and the entire Charagalag union is located in the Brahmaputra river and Gafargaon separated the boundary of Nandail thana on the east and flowed from the border of Husainpur and Pakundia upazilas in Gafargaon and flown east from the border of Tangb union and joined Meghna near Bhairab.The Brahmaputra was about 15 kilometers wide in the Mughal period.In 1815, when the shelf near Daqubar was east of Bahadurabad, its mouth closed and the river started flowing through the canal of Janai. Later, the janira canal became the river of jamuna.